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Why Yourhub Hosting?

Constant Power: 1.8 megawatts from multiple energy grids, 200 watts per square foot, 60 peak load minute on UPS battery time. 
Team Always Present: Facility is staffed 24x7x365 and secured with surveillance and electronic key card authentication 
Controlled Environment: Power chillers maintain a cold and humid free data center 
Peace of Mind: FM200 fire suppression system. 
Datacentre Rackspace 


Yourhub's connectivity is comprised of multiple redundant Tier 1 back-bone providers. We currently have over 40 Gbps bandwidth capacity routed via FCP and BGP4 protocol. 
Simply put, we have an enormous connection directly to the internet and the ability to serve any internet need one could dream up.  Our  BGP and FCP route optimization will always choose the quickest path to get your data from point A (Yourhub's servers) to point B (you or your customer’s location). 
Yourhub is committed to providing a standard of service and reliability unparalleled in the hosting industry. The Yourhub data center uses redundant Cisco and Foundry components to eliminate any single point of failure. Our network is multi-homed through redundant high-speed carriers which results in you, the customer, always being able to count on fast and reliable connectivity to our network. 
Datacentre Redundant Power Supply 


Our Data Center is outfitted with redundant HVAC, Battery Power and Diesel Generator Power to ensure uptime in any situation. Yourhub maintains low overall network utilization at all times providing durability during any large internet routing issues such as a DDOS or DOS attack. 
n+1 Diesel Generators, UPS, Battery Backup and DC power to provide conditioned power to the IP floor. Our redundant Cisco and Foundry routers utilize BGP4 protocol to provide redundant service through our multiple providers. All of our shared servers utilize RAID for maximum data availability. 
Network security is a priority and includes but is not limited to the following: Redundant firewalls that stop most attacks before they start. Each of our servers are loaded with an early warning intrusion detection system that is automatically updated each time a new security flaw is discovered worldwide. 
Physical security is also of the utmost importance to our network. We have in place many of the latest security measures, including: fire detection and suppression, 24/7 armed guards and closed circuit cameras monitoring every square foot of our facility. 
Datacentre 30 Tonnes AC units 


The Yourhub data center is ultra-secure with only employees having access to any of our server rooms. In the event a customer needs personal access to their server they will be escorted to their server by a technician or Account Manager who will assist and monitor activity. Access to our facility is only granted via employee key cards. 
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